Our modifications for ERO-grape harvesters allow a rapid change and installation of shakers as well as the complete exchange of the shakers in simplex and duplex shaker-units.
Very effective crop lifter. Designed for diverse crops and harvest conditions. Flexxifingers from Canada are available for almost any header. Models are available as metal or synthetic material.
www.baehr-landmaschinen.de Das innovative Unterstock Bearbeitungsgerät / Rollhacke von BÄHR Weinbautechnik setzt neue Maßstäbe in der Beseitigung von Beikräutern im Weinbau.
This modification from LaCruz is available for different grape-wine-harvesters. The rods work more effectively with less beats and therefore harvesting is more gentle on the grapes and the plant also the wear of the machine is reduced..